Sunday, April 14, 2013

Dream Post #2

I know... no one wants to read about dreams.

I'm going to post about mine anyway for the sake of posterity. I'm pretty sure they're absolutely devoid of symbolism and meaning.

And this is my blog, so neener.

Just a short list in point form this time, because these are old and not fresh in my memory.

  • The one where my friend's brother hooked me up with a job interview, and I spent the entire dream hemming and hawing about whether or not I would accept the job because the daily interplanetary commute to Jupiter sounded really tiring.
  • The one where I was accused of breaking some kind of American cross-border grocery shopping law about bringing groceries back into Canada without a permit. The security guard took us to see the CEO of the grocery store at the headquarters (which were at this terrifying compound 15 miles away in the middle of a wooded area) where we were executed upon arrival. I thought people weren't supposed to die in their own dreams?
  • The one where, over a nice steak dinner, my parents told me that they thought that Nelly was a freeloader and that I should no longer allow her to live under my roof without making some kind of financial contribution. To which I responded incredulously, "Nelly can't get a job. She's a dog!!!"

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